

My Latest Posts

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  • Control
    Grant me the serenity. I started to more formerly explore step 1 of CODA – admit that we are powerless. In one of the books I was reading it discussed…More
  • Embracing Boredom – Mundanity in Modernity
    I’m trying to stop using technology. When I say using, I mean it in an addiction sense. I still of course need to use technology and phones and computers and…More
  • House of Cards
    Spend so much of my life plotting my moves. Making sure that I’m doing the “right thing.” Can’t be wrong. When you spend your life second guessing yourself, questioning your…More
  • Frequencies – Poem
    Lust My thirst is insatiable It feels as though a beast has been awakened in me I know this demon I don’t trust him I need structure, I tell myself…More
  • Passive
    When in recovery is there such thing as passive recovery. Active using and active recovering are certainly different. But can you be passively recovering? Isn’t that just passively using. Which…More
  • Powerless
    Back on the schoolyard we used to be blunt Taunting and name calling to toughen up the runt Fun and games until it’s your turn to be the hunt Start…More
  • Stretching
    I woke up feeling envious of Stretch Armstrong. He was an old action figure I had as a kid except his arms and legs were made out rubber so you…More
  • Morning Fog
    My free time is when I just wake up. When my body is awake before my brain. I feel my body. My muscles are sore; knee creaks. My back is…More
  • On Sleep and The Myth of Superpowers
    A few weeks ago I started waking up at 5am. My schedule was as follows: 5am – Wake Up 5:15-6 – Journal 6-7 – Make Music 7-8 – Workout 8-9…More
  • On Icarus, Limits, Growth, and Boundaries
    I woke up this morning thinking about the story of Icarus. You know the Ancient Greek myth about the boy with wax wings who flies to high in the sky…More

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